When My Son Came Out (Part 3)

The last question we asked Timothy on the day he came out to us (you can read about that day HERE) was, “So how would you like to process this going forward, and how can we come along side you?”

City Church friends praying over Timothy just before he left for college

He thought about that a bit and said that he really wanted to be out – to be congruent in his life, to have his personal world and his public world aligned. So that meant telling people. “So who do you want to tell first?” was the natural follow up question.

Without hesitation, he said, “I want to tell my sister.” I admit, I teared up a bit at that. “Let’s have a family meeting and I can tell her there. Then I’ll start telling my friends one on one.” Somewhere in there it struck me as so odd that someone gay would tell his parents first, then his sister, and then his friends. In all my encounters with gay people, the order had always been reversed.

The next weekend we called a family meeting and Timothy shared with his sister – who was completely unfazed. There just wasn’t much to debrief after that conversation, or after the coffee dates he had with friends. We’d do a little prep beforehand each time to think through how a particular friend might respond and what might be helpful ways to approach them, but those conversations universally ended up positive (save one one problematic letter from a friend’s family member). We did a bit more prep work ahead of telling the grandparents and cousins and aunts and uncles, but again, those conversations were low drama, with tons of love and support forthcoming.

Telling Porter

From my perspective the most significant of those conversations was with my brother Porter – who had completely befuddled me when came out to me in 1990 (HERE is that story). On his journey away from faith, Porter had some pretty poor experiences with evangelical Christians. He’d always been kind and generous to me, but I suspected that being an evangelical pastor didn’t score me any bonus points over the years.

I talked to Porter a day or two after Timothy had called him to share his news. Porter could not have been more gracious to me. Of course he was delighted to have another gay person in the family – just to not feel so alone in some ways, I suppose. And he said kind words to me about our parenting of Timothy. But mostly I was struck by these words:

When I hung up the phone with Timothy, I cried and cried because I can hardly believe that someone’s coming out experience could go so well. It was such a different experience he was having – and would continue to have – than me. It was one of those moments in life, few and far between, where there is a clean, clear marker of the triumph of what is right, and in this case a very personal one.”

Something told me that wasn’t exactly how all of my evangelical friends would respond, but I was grateful for it and for such a good connection with my brother, whom I love.

At the end of our phone call, Porter said that as he’d been processing how stunning Timothy’s coming out process was, his friend Cary made an astute observation: “Porter, knowing you and your family, I can’t imagine a single other thing that could simultaneously both push you closer to God and your brother Bill farther away.” There’s a Greek word used in the Gospels to describe Jesus a couple of times – esplagesthai – whose meaning and sound capture that mix of happy and sad, anger and compassion, all intensely churning on the inside. When Porter shared that, I was esplagesthai.

Telling the Church

One of the groups of people Timothy told was his discipleship group, which went really well. We were debriefing later over coffee when he said, “So Dad, now that my friends are starting to know, it won’t be long before people in church start to hear that I’m gay. That’s going to be hard for you, isn’t it?” At times like that it was hard to remember he was just 15 years old.

So we did some strategizing about timing and who from church he wanted to tell face to face and who I would tell. His list wasn’t too long, but I ended up making a spreadsheet with 115 names on it, grouping them in concentric circles starting with who I would tell first. In the Christian world where homosexuality is such a hot topic, I figured that while most people would prefer not to have a pastor with a gay son, they would at least appreciate finding out that information first hand.

Besides being ethnically and socioeconomically diverse, City Church of Long Beach is also politically and ideologically diverse – people were and still are all over the map in terms of their thoughts and feelings about homosexuality. I had no idea how some of those conversations would go, but from conservatives to liberals, people really embraced me and our family as we shared that news. Mostly people expressed feeling privileged to be let in on our family life more deeply and honored to go on the journey with us.

There were a few bumps, of course. A few families left, and it was hard not to make the connection to Timothy being gay. Over teriyaki chicken, one family told me directly that they were leaving because they didn’t want Timothy to make their sons gay. Another family left because they didn’t want to be part of a church that was going to have conversations about homosexuality – they felt like the immorality of it was so evident that even engaging in dialogue about it was a break from following Christ. And I suspect a number of families felt/feel a bit anxious about our church because of Timothy being gay. Shoot, I get it – it wasn’t so long ago that I would have been very upset if my pastor’s son came out.

Looking through my journal from that season, I came across this line about how mentally draining it was to go into each conversation without knowing how people would react:

Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Last week, when I had dozens of conversations with people, I had one long massive headache for six days straight.  Definitely a picture of the strain on me.

But I also received some shockingly gracious words, like those from our friends Vlad and Flor. I will close with their kindness.

Monday, June 8, 2015
Hi Bill,

Flor and I both appreciate you telling us. We want to make sure you know that we love Timothy very much. The fact that he is gay doesn’t change that. It never will.

We are encouraged to see his continued desire to follow Jesus. I know the church can be a very hurtful place for gay people but it sounds like the people surrounding your family are responding well to this news.

I know God wants to say something to us (Vlad, Flor, His Church, Timothy’s Mom and Dad, and Timothy) and I’m really curious about what that might be.

As you continue to process and hear God’s voice please feel free to bring us with you into those places as there might be a learning in this for all of us.

Flor and I will be processing some of the questions and thoughts we have with our pastor and community but at some point we would love to sit, talk and pray with you.

Also, let us know what we can do to serve and love your family well.

Please send our love to Timothy.

Vlad and Flor

The other parts of Timothy’s coming out story are here:

When My Son Came Out (Part 1)
When My Son Came out (Part 2)

Author: Bill White

I am a pastor at City Church of Long Beach, a friend to many LGBTQ people, and a conversation partner for people all over the spectrum of beliefs about how being LGBTQ and Christian fit together.

11 thoughts on “When My Son Came Out (Part 3)”

  1. Bill, I really appreciate the vulnerability and realness conveyed in these personal stories you’re sharing. I feel honored to be able to read them. These are conversations that not everyone is willing to have and I so appreciate your willingness to share your journey. This is yet another reason why I respect you so much.


  2. Hello Bill,
    I have had the pleasure of reading your wonderful blog. I really wasn’t surprised by the news of Timothy’s coming out of the closet. The first thought that came to me was a memory, actually lots of memories of Timothy when he was with Susan and her daycare. I always loved the way he addressed me as Teri Tebbutt. Every time he talked to me the conversation started with Teri Tebbutt. I thought of his small voice and his huge eyes. He was precious then and he still is. I pray for continued strength for the White family as you continue to chart these unknown waters.
    Teri Tebbutt


  3. Here we are at Part 3, the curmudgeon is still tracking with you. You encountered dozens of kindly, Christian responses from a more loving community than any past historical “coming out” event would have ever enjoyed. There is a role for the loving acceptance stories. We are reaching a new pinnacle in tolerance in the church for these lost souls. Yet, lost they remain? No more than any of our youth, who have very confused and diverse backgrounds. When is someone lost yet, acceptably growing through confusion, and when is someone lost to the point of deserving biblical excommunication. This, too, could be diverse? Can different churches draw different conclusions? Is this a non-critical element of church leadership, such as allowing dancing in churches? Is this like smoking or drinking with various levels of enforcement and teaching? I don’t think the scriptures support that, but then, you haven’t said he was ever a church member, either. We shouldn’t just assume this because he was your son. I think there’s a difference. I wonder how many “Part X” is it going to take to address this. Or is this not about the church, but only about your family. I like everything you have done as a family and a father….Well done….this far…


    1. David – If church history is any indicator, congregations through the ages have taken vastly different approaches to excommunication (Ask Michael Servetus how that goes – he was burned at the stake in Calvin’s Geneva for not agreeing with the church’s theology). And as for who is lost, if I recall the parable of the Prodigal Son correctly, both brothers were lost but only one was found (and it wasn’t the religious one!).


  4. Bill, my deepest and sincere appreciation for your openness. As a proud spiritual gay man, I’ve always had battles with Christianity growing up. I was an altar boy from 1st grade all the way through 6th… then my parents became “born again” which then lead me to being a youth leader at our church… then I came out of the closet during my college years which is when I left our church because of the message that I heard from our pastor calling gay people, from “lost souls” to “misdirected people” and on how gays “choose” to be gay and we need to “pray for them” which made me feel that they needed to “pray the gay out of me.”

    I’ve always been a spiritual person… growing up Chinese/Spanish/Filipino, I had many blessings… Huge family and very oven with spirituality. I was surrounded by Buddhism, Catholicism, and Evangelical Christianity. And homosexuality was really not that big of a deal. I have several aunts who are lesbians (and some have been with their partners way before I was born… I’m turning 40 this year), gay uncles, gay and lesbian cousins… So to me, being gay is not by choice… definitely genetics. And no, my aunts and uncles did not turn me gay.

    The only relationship that I still have some struggles with is my brother. He’s a very strong faithful (in his own ways) Christian. He tells me he loves me and supports me but it’s really hard to embrace that when he supports individuals (DT) who are not supportive of the LGBTQ community (just as an example). However, it is very interesting that his kids (my nephews) are so unfazed by it and loves me an I embrace their love for me. They’ve officially labeled me as their “guncle” (gay-uncle) and all of their friends know about it and call me Guncle Glenn now too.

    Enough about me… I applaud you for expressing how you feel about this. It makes you “human” and I’m appreciative that you’re just like me. Being a “pastor” has so much weight and high expectations… that somehow people need to follow their pastor as if the he/she is a supreme being when in fact, pastors go through the same issues everyone goes through. Continue what you’re doing… express… I feel that you doing this is “leading as an example” when most Christians out there often confuse Christianity with being Christ versus being Christ-like.

    Peace, Love, Sincere Appreciation, and Reiki Blessings to you and your family! Tim is very lucky to have you as a father who is open to expressing feelings, thoughts, and wonder.


    1. ps.. I’d like to restate one of my sentences… “when SOME Christians out there often confuse Christianity with Being Christ versus being Christ-like.”


  5. bill-
    Just saw this today and wanted to take a look. I am so grateful for the person you are. Thank you for your perspective on the lgbtq community. cried out of love through the whole thing. Much love.


  6. Thanks for sharing this. Wow. As a gay Christian man, I so appreciate your heart and the way you’re thinking about this. It also helps me appreciate how hard coming out is for all parties and not just for the one doing it.


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